Redefining Brazil's energy future: a zero marginal cost society perspective


  • Sandro Mansur Gibran Centro Universitário UNICURITIBA, Paraná
  • Viviane Côelho de Séllos-Knoerr Centro Universitário UNICURITIBA, Paraná
  • Eduardo Vieira de Souza Barbosa Centro Universitário UNICURITIBA, Paraná



Zero Marginal Cost Society, Renewable Energy, Brazilian Energy Sector, Decentralized Energy, Sustainable Development


Objective: The study aims to explore the future of Brazil's energy sector within the framework of a Zero Marginal Cost Society, as proposed by Jeremy Rifkin, focusing on the potential shift towards decentralized renewable energy.

Methods: Employing a deductive methodology, the research utilizes bibliographic techniques, analyzing scientific articles, relevant legislation, and Rifkin's theories.

Results: It finds that the Brazilian energy sector could undergo a significant transformation, moving towards abundant, low-cost renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and biomass. This shift could reduce state interference and enhance consumer autonomy.

Conclusions: The study concludes that Brazil's energy sector is poised for a paradigm shift, aligning with the global movement towards renewable energy within a Zero Marginal Cost framework. This transition presents opportunities for sustainable development and challenges to traditional energy models.

Biografia do Autor

Sandro Mansur Gibran, Centro Universitário UNICURITIBA, Paraná

He holds a Ph.D. in Economic and Socio-environmental Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (2009). He is a permanent professor in the Master's and Doctoral Program in Business Law and Citizenship at UNICURITIBA. He completed a Post-Doctoral fellowship at the Federal University of Paraná (2015/2017).

Viviane Côelho de Séllos-Knoerr, Centro Universitário UNICURITIBA, Paraná

She completed a Post-Doctoral fellowship at the University of Coimbra. She holds a Ph.D. in State Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo and a Master's degree in Social Relations Law from the same university. She graduated in Law from the Federal University of Espírito Santo and is a practicing lawyer. She is a Professor and Coordinator of the Master's and Doctoral Program in Business Law and Citizenship at the Centro Universitário Curitiba / UNICURITIBA. Her expertise includes Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Dignity, Citizenship, Ethics, Constitutional Interpretation and Application, and the Protection of Diffuse and Collective Rights.

Eduardo Vieira de Souza Barbosa, Centro Universitário UNICURITIBA, Paraná

He is a Master's student in Business Law and Citizenship at the Centro Universitário Curitiba – UNICURITIBA and holds a specialization in Constitutional Law from the Brazilian Academy of Constitutional Law (ABDConst). He is also a practicing lawyer.


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Como Citar

Gibran, S. M., Séllos-Knoerr, V. C. de, & Barbosa, E. V. de S. (2020). Redefining Brazil’s energy future: a zero marginal cost society perspective. Revista De Sustentabilidade E Desenvolvimento Global, 2(00), e44.



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