The eco-engaged runner's edge: how green consumer values drive opportunity spotting and effortless product disposal
Green Consumer Values, Eco-Conscious Consumption, Athletic Footwear Sustainability, Consumer Decision-Making, Lifestyle Moderation EffectsAbstract
Purpose: Investigate the impact of green consumer values and eco-conscious consumption on the decision-making process for buying and disposing of running shoes, emphasizing the moderation role of the runner's profile.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Utilizes a quantitative survey methodology, analyzing the data with Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The runner's profile—encompassing running frequency, duration, and its integration into lifestyle—serves as a moderator in the model.
Findings: Reveals a complex interplay between environmental values and consumer habits, moderated by individual running profiles, affecting the purchase and disposal decisions of running shoes.
Practical Implications: Insights can assist companies in tailoring sustainable practices and products to different segments of runners, enhancing environmental stewardship in sports consumerism.
Originality/Value: Adds to the body of knowledge by uniquely combining consumer environmental values, habits, and individual athletic profiles in the context of sports equipment purchase and disposal decisions.
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