Influencing corporate entrepreneurship: the role of organizational context in health sector innovation
Corporate Entrepreneurship, Organizational Context, Health Sector, Entrepreneurial Cognition, IntrapreneurshipAbstract
Objective: This research explores the influence of organizational context on the cognitive abilities of corporate entrepreneurs in the health sector. It aims to understand how this context affects the identification, evaluation, and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities within established health firms.
Method: The study utilized a qualitative approach, specifically interpretive phenomenological analysis. Interviews with nine intrapreneurs from two Iranian health organizations were conducted in 2017 and 2018. These interviews provided in-depth insights into the experiences of these corporate entrepreneurs.
Results: The analysis reveals that organizational context significantly shapes various facets of entrepreneurial cognition. This influence is critical in recognizing and leveraging entrepreneurial opportunities within the health sector. The research proposes a framework depicting organizational context as a multifunctional entity, acting as a source of knowledge and information, a structural framework, and a socio-cultural environment for corporate entrepreneurs.
Conclusions: The study concludes that organizational context has a profound impact on the cognitive processes of corporate entrepreneurs in the health sector. It emphasizes the necessity for health organizations to cultivate environments that support entrepreneurial cognition and activity. This research contributes to the corporate entrepreneurship literature by offering a detailed understanding of the interaction between individual cognition and organizational context, especially in the health sector.
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