Geographical indications and their impacts on sustainable development: literature review
Geographical Indication, Sustainable development, Protected Designation of Origin, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), International StrategyAbstract
Objective: This study investigates the impacts of Geographical Indications (GIs) on sustainable development, particularly analyzing academic literature to determine if these impacts are predominantly positive, neutral, or negative in terms of environmental sustainability.
Methodology: A qualitative approach was utilized, analyzing data from 29 articles from the Scopus database. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provided the framework for evaluating the sustainability impacts of GIs.
Results: The analysis revealed that over half of the articles reported positive impacts of GIs, while about a third indicated negative impacts. These findings were contextualized within the broader literature and management practices.
Conclusions: The study concludes that the impacts of GIs on sustainable development are mixed. It highlights the need for a nuanced understanding of GIs' roles in sustainable development, considering both positive and negative effects.
Social Contributions/To Management: The research offers insights for managers and policymakers on the implementation and promotion of GIs, emphasizing their potential role in sustainable development and the importance of considering diverse impacts in decision-making processes.
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